
Tuesday 12 March 2013

RadioButton Control Using WPF

RadioButton Control Using WPF Window Based

RadioButton controls are usually grouped together to offer user a single choice among Different options (only one button at a time can be selected).
<RadioButton> </RadioButton> tag is used to create the radio button in XAML File.

Syntax of RadioButton:

<RadioButton Height="18" Margin="92,58,0,0" Name="radioButton1" VerticalAlignment="Top" 
HorizontalAlignment="Left" Width="82">RadioButton</RadioButton> 
In the following tag I create the RadioButton in which Height is height of the RadioButton, Name is the name of the RadioButton, text in the between the RadioButton tag is the content visible to user. The Background and Foreground properties represent the background and foreground colors of a RadioButton. The following code sets the name, height, and width of a RadioButton control.
The code also sets horizontal alignment to left and vertical alignment to top
XAML Code 
<Window x:Class="WpfApplication7.Window1"
    Title="Window1" Height="370" Width="417"><Grid>
<RadioButton Height="18" Margin="92,58,0,0" Name="radioButton1" VerticalAlignment="Top" 
HorizontalAlignment="Left" Width="82" Background="Crimson" Foreground="DarkBlue">M.Tech</RadioButton>
<RadioButton Height="17" Margin="92,85,126,0" Name="radioButton2" VerticalAlignment="Top"       
Checked="radioButton2_Checked" Background="Crimson" Foreground="DarkBlue">B.Tech</RadioButton>
<RadioButton Height="17" Margin="92,115,126,0" Name="radioButton3" VerticalAlignment="Top"
Checked="radioButton3_Checked" Background="Crimson" Foreground="DarkBlue">MCA</RadioButton>
<RadioButton Height="20" Margin="92,141,126,0" Name="radioButton4" VerticalAlignment="Top"
Background="Crimson" Foreground="DarkBlue">BCA</RadioButton>                  
<Label Height="32" Margin="20,15,0,0" Name="label1" VerticalAlignment="Top"
HorizontalAlignment="Left" Width="171" FontSize="18"
Foreground="DarkGreen">Plese Select Course</Label>
 <Button Height="22.861" HorizontalAlignment="Right" Margin="0,53.139,18,0" Name="button1"
VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="102" Click="button1_Click">Find Selected Item</Button>
<UniformGrid Margin="110,123,84,109" Name="uniformGrid1" />
private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)               
              if (radioButton1.IsChecked == true)
                MessageBox.Show("Your Selected Course is " + radioButton1.Content);
            else if (radioButton2.IsChecked == true)
                MessageBox.Show("Your Selected Course is " + radioButton2.Content);
            else if (radioButton3.IsChecked == true)
                MessageBox.Show("Your Selected Course is " + radioButton3.Content);
            else if (radioButton4.IsChecked == true)
                MessageBox.Show("Your Selected Course is " + radioButton4.Content);                
 private void radioButton3_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e){} 
 private void radioButton2_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {} 

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